Company history

The company "InterBiz Global Resources" was founded in 2018, the main activity of which was to provide financing services for small and medium-sized businesses based on factoring.

Analyzing small and medium-sized businesses, analysts of InterBiz Global Resources found that this segment in the financial sector suffers from insufficient working capital. The business could not develop due to financial delays to major suppliers and consequently increase its turnover. Naturally, such "niches" are interesting both for the company "InterBiz Global Resources" and for the owner of a small or medium-sized business. Why? Small and medium-sized businesses with a small turnover of financial resources, shipping products for sale, in 99% of cases sign a delayed payment agreement, the so-called "receivables agreement". Thus signing a limit of 2 to 6 months for a refund. After signing a delayed payment agreement, the business cannot develop, it does not have financial reserves for purchasing new raw materials, paying rent, maintaining employees, and much more. A large seller always controls that the product does not disappear from its turnover, but the supplier can not guarantee constant shipment of the product, since the payment of receivables takes time, thereby shifting the delivery time. This delivery algorithm does not suit any company. As a result, the supplier loses sales, because in the 21st century everything should be fast, and the seller is looking for a larger supplier that is more reliable in terms of delivery times.

Delayed payment for services provided is a disaster for business:

  • costs are increasing on a large scale;
  • the organization's stability is declining;
  • the pace of development is slowing down;
  • the market competitiveness is falling.

How can I become more reliable?» this is the question that the analytical department of InterBiz Global Resources had to answer. The banking system was supposed to help such businesses, but this was not possible for the following reasons. Usually small or medium-sized businesses do not have liquid collateral, and this is one of the biggest factors for banking systems. Probably, there are no reports that can satisfy the bank. Also, the interest rate on loans does not reimburse each receivable, thereby causing a financial loss for the business.

After analyzing this sector, InterBiz Global Resources created unsecured financing for the cession of receivables on the basis of factoring. Factoring company "InterBiz Global Resources" will finance such deliveries, because for it it is more important the financial condition not of the customer, and the buyer of its products. Often the buyers of products and services of small companies are large, reliable, financially stable enterprises.

In other words, we are ready to buy out accounts receivable from the moment of delivery and signing the contract under certain conditions. Thus, the supplier receives its arrears within 2-3 days on the basis of the delivery agreement. And the debtor pays within 2-6 months its debt to the company "InterBiz Global Resources". This algorithm allows the company "InterBiz Global Resources" to create the cost-effective work of all participants in this process. Where the supplier immediately receives financing in the amount of 70-90% of the supply, thus does not stop production. The debtor receives stable deliveries from the supplier, paying the arrears under the contract in time. And the company "InterBiz Global Resources" receives its profit on the basis of the cession of "receivables" to its name in the amount of 10-30% of each delivery contract.

Of course, the greatest benefits from working under the factoring scheme are received by the client-supplier:

  1. Uninterrupted financing of trade activities, the possibility of increasing the volume of deliveries;
  2. Expanding the product range, quick entering new markets;
  3. Attracting more customers by providing favorable conditions for delayed payment in cooperation with factoring;
  4. Encashment of the buyer's debt, control of cash flows;
  5. Effective management of accounts receivable;
  6. Reducing costs by outsourcing control over it, optimizing the functions of personnel, organizational systems and structures of the company;
  7. Insurance of non-payment risks;
  8. The use of factoring in the enterprise is especially valuable for small and young firms that are in the stage of revenue growth, since it is possible to get borrowed funds without providing property collateral;
  9. Ease of obtaining and using credit funds. In general, the factor does not require the opening of accounts and the availability of turnover in a particular bank, and does not control the purposes for which credit funds were spent;
  10. Elimination of complex operational tasks, clearly definition of priorities, and a unique opportunity to focus on what is really important for your business.

The development of this industry is growing every year in various countries, the company's trend is becoming more and more popular, thereby increasing the turnover and financial condition. More than 70 thousand companies send requests for this service every day. The financial turnover of the company "InterBiz Global Resources" did not allow to increase the number of requests. There is demand, but we need a working capital. Banks could not finance this direction, since the banking sector is not enough just a supply agreement.

In 2019, the company "InterBiz Global Resources" decided to launch a new direction - crowdfactoring. It in essence does not change the main algorithm of the company. It allows to increase working capital, requests for factoring services by attracting investments from individuals. Now the company builds its financial component together with the investor. Investor's funds allow to increase the income and the volume of requested services.

InterBiz Global Resources is the first company in the industry that provides individuals with a service platform for the development of crowdfunding services for investment portfolios. The service platform of the company "InterBiz Global Resources" provides its client with the opportunity to act as a third party, an investor, with further benefits. It is quite profitable to invest funds in this way. The investor, in fact, receives income by financing medium and small businesses based on accounts receivable to a large enterprise. The interest rate depends entirely on the investment period and the amount of investment. Therefore, the company offers a variety of investment programs for choice. Investors, in turn, receive information about future earnings in advance. In addition, an algorithm with daily interest accruals has been developed for individuals. It significantly increases the reliability of investment, contributing to a mobile business structure. There is also a special offer for individuals-payment of insurance policies at the expense of a crowdfunding company, if investment is done.

It is worth noting that along with other investment programs, this investment option is the most popular one among investors due to such features:

  • minimal risks. The company's specialists minimize risks due to a competent risk policy, as well as by analyzing the business of clients-borrowers;
  • stable, pre-calculated income;
  • investor chooses for himself a convenient investment period, amount and stable interest;
  • opportunity to get the maximum increased income compared to other types of investment;
  • ability to place investments remotely.

Analysis of the dynamics of financial structures and investment portfolios has shown that crowdfunding is currently one of the most developing financial sectors in the world. In addition, this tool can be called one of the most effective and popular sources of investment financing.

The investment activity of the company "InterBiz Global Resources" includes the organization of financial turnover with the distribution of investment portfolios with further profit.