Finance Plan
Finance Plan from InterBiz Global Resources company is a special movement in marketing. This program was developed for structuring your own business through the online platform.
Each client who has registered on the site can structure own business within the company for further profit. Promoting the company's interests, the client automatically builds own business under the Finance Plan.
The Finance Plan involves accruing a daily bonus, as a percentage of the client's structuring. For each invited partner with an open investment portfolio from the client's own structure a daily loyal bonus is accrued from the partner's profit. Thus, a customer who is building their own business can receive up to 30% of the Finance Plan every day. The Finance Plan applies only to active investment portfolios of partners. The client will receive profit as a percentage of active partner portfolios, 7 levels of depth and the entire width of the structuring of own business.
The principle of the Finance Plan is based on the "business in business" system. Where the client who develops structure on the first level with the highest percentage has full rights to the percentage from the next structure. Each partner of the client, starting to build own structure, brings profit to each partner as a percentage of the depth of construction.